Energy Therapies

I am trained in several energy healing modalities that help restore energy balance. With all of these modalities I teach you methods you can use yourself. Additionally I provide energy healing sessions to you that can be part of or separate from a psychotherapy session.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that can help alleviate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stress, It originated in Japan, and the Japanese word “reiki” means “universal life force energy" that exists around and in us.  Reiki is a way to ‘tune-up’ your energy to its healthiest state allowing for healing to take place by drawing on this universal energy. It is a gentle and safe healing practice that dissolves energy blocks in our system caused by contraction, pain, and defense. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more likely to be relaxed, strong, and healthy. I provide Reiki and also instruct you how to provide it to yourself.  

Quantum Touch is an energy healing modality that uses and directs the body's own energy to promote healing and wellness. This life force energy is also known as "chi" in Chinese and "prana": in Sanskrit. and it is the flow of energy that sustains and motivates us. With Quantum Touch I teach you cultivate, amplify, and direct this energy to heal and to manifest greater states of well-being.

Emotrance is a method for dispersing tension and distress from the body, as well as using pleasant experiences to energize the body. It begins with sensing where a specific pain or pleasure resonates and then softening and dispersing that energy through the body to exit points from it. This benefits you in many ways including grounding, relaxing, and empowering. I guide you in session on how to use Emotrance.

I am trained in these and other mind-body healing modalities to resolve distress and amplify well-being. With all of these I give you methods to practice them on your own.

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